A Look & Listen January

The Hinge of 2024 is a Radical Transformer

Here I sit on Brigid’s Eve in absolute astonishment that Yuletide is well and truly over, and the winter solstice was six weeks ago! Of course, the big astrological news is Pluto’s transit into Aquarius. I’ve been pouring over the ephemeris looking into what all of this portends for myself, as well as the collective. There are certainly significant shifts on the horizon, even if we can’t quite see them yet. As is my usual tradition, January is reserved for contemplation looking both backward and forwards through the arc of my life. I have found the practice of sifting through the experiences and emotions of the past twelve months cultivates the most fertile ground for a new cycle of intentions. I also try to clean and clear as much as possible in preparation for the Chinese, or Lunar New Year (the holiday falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice) which often coincides with the Imbolc portal. This is a time to settle debts, remove unwanted items and energies from our homes, and create space for welcoming a new cycle of growth into our lives.

White Flowers in Snow Covered Groudn

These time-honored and cherished practices of mine are best undertaken in slow, steady fashion. Much like the last quarter of a lunar cycle, the winter months are for resting, assimilating, breaking down, or composting. ROOTS are to be tended to. There is such wisdom in these natural cycles. It never ceases to amaze me how elegant the esoteric systems are. By now, I think many people have divorced themselves from the colonized mind automaton process of overly ambitious, or impractical New Year’s Resolutions. The cold and dark month of January is not an ideal time for planting seeds in harsh environments. This is not to say that underneath the surface all is still. Future visions have been quietly incubating since the winter solstice waiting for the right conditions to take form. That time is drawing closer by the day, and quicker with each second of returning light. At Imbolc, I name and claim the seeds I will plant both in the kitchen garden and the garden of my life. I shower these seeds with blessing upon blessing and cultivate the ground they will be planted in come spring.

In practical terms, all of this looks a lot like housekeeping. To be sure, there is a fair amount of actual cleaning involved. For example, a full KonMari of household clothing is scheduled for this afternoon. I’m taking it room by room, bit by bit, but before the new moon in February on the 9th, my home will be cleared out of all unused and unwanted stuff. When I don’t have the energy for physical clearing, I unsubscribe from outdated emails I no longer wish to receive, or delete digital files that are burning up server space somewhere. The focus on energy clearing is just as important. For this I employ an old laptop I can set up anywhere that is loaded with hours and hours of sound-clearing tracks. I like to start breaking up stagnant energy this way before I clear with smoke, or asperge with water in a space that I am cleansing. I’m also clearing up cleaning routines using the techniques I teach in my course, House Magick, the members of the household have reset their responsibilities for keeping our shared space organized and optimized for our happiest and healthiest lives.

Free stock photo of blooming flowers, bouquet of flowers, bowl

Onto the forgiveness of debts for self and others. When I was studying Feng Shui in the early 2000’s I was introduced to many foundational concepts that would shape so much of my life. One of them is the practice of settling debts before a new year begins. The flip side of this, of course, is relieving others of what is owed to you. Settling up is vital to a fresh start. Honestly assess where there are imbalances in your dealings, or relationships with others that need correcting and set about equalizing them. This is not limited to financial, or material transactions. Consider energetic exchanges with others, as well. Often a dialogue is all that is necessary to come to agreeable terms that will satisfy both parties. Sometimes the act of taking responsibility is all that is required for your debt to be lifted. If you find yourself in the position of being owed something consider all the costs of continuing to seek recompense. You may find they outweigh the benefits. No sense in continuing to throw good money (energy) after bad. Conversely, lifting the load feels quite jubilant for all. You can’t put a price on that!

Lady in Beach Silhouette during Daytime Photography

As I write it is freakishly warm where I live for the last day in January. The Mercury is flirting with the upper 60’s. I hear the neighborhood kids next door playing basketball and look to confirm, yep ~ they’re barefoot and wearing shorts. As it happens, temperatures here do vary wildly so it’s not entirely unheard of that it can feel like a spring day in the dead of winter. It was -35 ten days ago, and it very well may be again in another ten. I could fret about the trees budding too early, and I might, but I will also gladly take the medicine of the lived experience of SPRING energy on Imbolc eve. I will drink it up and let it inspire me as I bless the seeds I wish to plant in the growing cycle of 2024.

Person Cleaning Hands under Water

I invite you to consider these ideas and incorporate them into your practice. The time of Imbolc is one of purification and innocence. It is also quite a tender time and special care should be taken when handling anything delicate. The year is in its infancy and I encourage you to treat yourself and your hopes and dreams with the same nurturing protection you would extend to a baby or small animal. Be gentle with others, too. February’s skies are full of movement. There will be many shifting gears for all of us to manage. You may already feel an abundance of airy energy coming in as a BIG stellium is teeing up in the sign of the water bearer. Prepare for a change of pace. Things are going to begin moving fast! I intend to lean all the way into the visionary and communal aspects of the Aquarian energies of the month ahead and I hope you’ll join me!

Visioning Your New Year

Gain spiritual insight into the new year. What does 2024 hold for you? Use this session to name and bless the metaphorical seeds you will plant in the growing cycle. Receive guidance around how to support your intentions magickally. I will utilize divination techniques, awareness of the 2024 astrological transits, and my claircognizance to formulate ritual suggestions, devotional practices, and specific spell and altar recommendations that are specifically designed for you and your unique intentions.

A Silver Light To Guide You

Greetings, fellow seekers of healing and transformation! I am delighted to invite you to join my free email list—a journey of lunar devotion that will empower and guide you through the ever-changing cycles of the moon.


I have compiled a series of lessons, rituals, and journal prompts that are intricately connected to each specific moon sign and phase. In the past, these powerful teachings were offered exclusively to my students and clients. Now I am sharing these emails that have helped others experience profound healing and transformation publicly.

My intention is to help you transcend personal difficulties, enhance your connection to the spirit, and manifest your desires in every aspect of life through the framework of Lunar Devotional Practices.

Why Am I Offering This for Free?

Over the years, I have been honored to witness the profound transformations of dozens of students and clients who immersed themselves in The Selenites and The WheelHouse programs. From overcoming personal challenges in relationships and careers to healing patterns of self-sabotage, deepening spiritual connections, and manifesting material necessities—these teachings have sparked remarkable change.

As a token of gratitude for the years of support and as I boldly step into my role as a consulting astrologer, I am offering this invaluable compilation freely to all cosmic seekers. It is my sincere hope that this lunar wisdom will inspire healing, growth, and transformation in your life.


The weekly emails you will receive are designed to provide you with invaluable insights into the profound influence of the lunar cycle, and the zodiac. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:

Astrology Insights: Uncover the mysteries of the zodiac signs, discovering their unique traits, and characteristics, and how they influence your life.

Lunar Phase Lessons: Explore the rhythm of the Lunar Cycle and how it can shed light on your personal journey, relationships, and life purpose.

Journal Prompts: Dive deep into self-reflection with personalized journal prompts inspired by each moon sign and phase. Explore your emotions, dreams, and desires, and gain a better understanding of yourself.

Ritual Suggestions: Learn how to harness the energy of the moon by following detailed ritual suggestions that align with each specific moon phase. These rituals will help you set intentions, release negative energies, and manifest your dreams.

Joining the Journey:

You can join this exciting journey of lunar devotion at any time, but it is especially encouraged to become a part of our community from the beginning. Our first email will be sent on November 26th, marking the commencement of this transformative adventure.


Whether you’re new to astrology and spirituality or a seasoned practitioner, my free email list offers a unique opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation. The transformational impact experienced by my students and clients in these teachings serves as a testament to their immense power.

As I take the plunge into my role as a consulting astrologer, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the years. It is my sincere hope that these emails provide you with the necessary tools to overcome challenges, deepen your spiritual connection, and manifest your dreams.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, join my free email list today. Simply sign up below, and get ready to unleash the magic of the moon in your life. We can’t wait to have you on board!

Sign up now and embrace the transformative power of the moon’s cycles!

We Begin Again

Two years ago I walked away from a launch right in the middle of it and flamed out in an episode of complete and total burnout. A year later, presuming I’d healed fully I started back to work. I thought I owed everyone a lengthy, very personal explanation. I wrote draft upon draft of blog posts detailing how I’d found myself in the very unprofessional act of quitting quite radically. It should come as no surprise that these brutally honest writings were not actually helpful and, in fact, were a huge setback. I didn’t publish them. Instead, I took some more time off.

The Face of Burnout. October 2021. Just a few days from totally flaming out. A perfect mask.

What I have decided is essential to tell everyone is simple. My burnout coincided with perimenopause, the pandemic, discovering late-in-life neurodivergence, and all of the other complex factors that go into surviving late capitalism and the disintegration of Western society. Of course, there’s nothing simple about any of that, but getting bogged down in the details of each one of those facets could be a blog post in and of itself! Perhaps I will delve deeper into some of them as the winter unfolds but for now, I am focused on the transformation that occurred during my time away from public work and sharing how these past few years will inform my offerings from now on. 

July 21, 2018 Bend Oregon. Initiation Day SoulLodge Earth Medicine School

Back in 2018 when I took my Earth Medicine Practitioner vows at SoulLodge ranch in the July heat of the Oregon desert I promised to “Help whomever I could, whenever I could, so long as I could.” The caveat, of course, was that I must know my limits, both for myself, as well as my clients. At the foundation of this commitment is a guiding principle that I bear a tremendous responsibility to the individuals who come to me for healing work. Understanding my capacity for both the limits of my training and my personal energy stores is crucial for this unique job that I’m privileged to perform. After holding space for groups and individuals through the more uncertain months of the pandemic, the tumultuous election of 2020, the insurrection, and the effects of a fraying society I was buckling under the weight of it all. Finally, I was forced to acknowledge that I was not able to adequately support myself personally, or professionally, nor was I able to support my clients who were overwhelmingly needing a more qualified clinically therapeutic approach for their presenting issues. I needed to step away from my Earth Medicine practice until the balance between myself and my work could be restored.  

This has been a challenging time for anyone working in the coaching, therapy, and ethical personal development sphere. So often the presenting issues our clients bring to us cannot be solved on an individual level. These issues also cannot be discussed rationally without crossing the streams of “the spiritual” and “the political,” which have historically been deemed “taboo” to mingle together. And, in this cauldron of online spirituality, there is an ongoing struggle to remain authentic and to come to our practices in a good way. We have all witnessed the minds of our mutuals succumbing to conspiracy theories and supremacist viewpoints. The effect has been rather chilling, to say the least! This is not the internet of the early aughts, or teens any longer, dear friends. I want there to be no confusion about the fact that the space I hold and the values I promote are inclusive of all but wholly intolerant of bigotry or hate. Let there be no mystery to the fact that I’m here for the “Girls, Gays, and They’s.” Them’s the rules in my online space. 

It is nearly two years to the day that I had to step away and do the healer’s work of healing myself on a deeper level in the labyrinthian journey of life. I have returned with a fuller awareness of what it means to transform through the profound process of emotional alchemy. As I am sure holds true for so many of you, much has changed and fallen away over the past few years. Stepping into a new reality can be disorienting, but I can attest to the benefits of choosing to step forward. I am filled with enthusiasm to begin the work of spiritual transmutation with my clients and students once again. Now, with so much more in my medicine kit than ever before, including a full spectrum of astrology readings that are designed to complement my Earth Medicine offerings I am eagerly reporting for duty!

The face of HONESTY. Feeling it all summer ’23. Honoring the spectrum of human experience: Shadow and Light. Wholeness and Becoming. Life and Death. Wisdom and Folly.

I came back to work because I love what I do and the people I help. I came back to work because I took adequate time to heal and make the necessary sacrifices to improve my life. I came back to work because I genuinely believe that spiritual healing is MAJORLY important, now more than ever. I’m back because I vowed “to serve whomever I could, whenever I could” and I’m SO grateful to tell everyone after all this time I am once again able to do so. Over the weeks ahead I’ll be sharing my exciting new offerings with you here on the blog and on my socials. I can’t wait to see you in session soon!

A Different Kind Of Harvest

Once again, days and nights are equally balanced between light and dark at this point in the annual spiral of time. The autumnal equinox is the second harvest festival in the contemporary pagan calendar and celebrates the fruits of one’s labor over the past growing season. The equinox occurs annually when the sun moves into the sign of Libra. Symbolized by scales, when the sun makes its ingress into this mutable air sign, humans, too, are called to examine themes of balance, light, and shadow. 

One pathway into authentic dialogue with oneself is to honestly assess the state of harvest in your own life. Are the goals you set and the plans you put into motion earlier this year showing signs of life and bearing good results? Is there anything, in particular, you need to do to ensure the successful outcome of what you’ve been healing or manifesting in 2021? Our culture has trained us to skip past the endings and get right back on the wheel of creation, but the fourth quarter possesses RICH lessons I encourage you to partake in! Don’t forget to celebrate what you have achieved! Stay with each phase of your process and relish the last bits.

My own harvest is quieter and less showy this year. The work I’ve been engaged in has primarily been internal. Something in my bones knew this wasn’t the year to plant a big garden and to give the earth I tend a rest. The fallowness soon extended beyond planting projects, though that was far from what I intended in early spring. Like so many others, I was incredibly excited for “normal life” to return in April when the hope of that possibility existed. I signed up for studio space in the contemporary art museum. I applied to vend at the farmer’s market. I even began to tentatively re-schedule my Practical Magick tour of the Pacific Northwest. Then the Delta variant became a genuine threat in my already unsafe community, and one by one, bit by bit, my plans contracted, and I had to accept that “normal” is not going to be a thing where I live for a long, long time.

The summer was record-breakingly hot, and smoky, and stunningly depressing. For more days than I care to admit, I was in a doom spiral of climate change, pandemic, and peri-menopause fueled mood swings. Fortunately, I had planned to embark on a magical three-month micro-dosing regime. My intention was vaguely something like, “get back in touch with my baseline self.” That, dear reader, is precisely how I wound up spending my summer vacation. I undertook the process with an open mind and very few preconceived notions. It both was and was not at all like I expected it to be. Here, on this side of the experience, what I can enthusiastically tell you is that not only did I successfully meet my primary objective, I healed a mountain of lingering traumas that, up until this point, I had not been able to metabolize.

What surprised me about the three months of micro-dosing was just how much I could sense and feel my brain growing! As I mentioned, this process exposed a TON of repressed emotional wounds. All of a sudden I found myself being initiated again through some very potent levels of shadow work. I’m still very much in the integration process with much of that, but I plan to share more details with you soon. What I will say is that it was not a very comfortable experience when I was expecting a gentle ride. However, when I entered the energetic frequency of acceptance, everything began to shift. I was shown the pathway, winding as it was, that would lead to all of the answers I was seeking on my journey. I won’t bury the lede here. I’ll just let you know right up front: In elegant, circular fashion, that answer, once again, is- acceptance. How to arrive at that state of being, well – that is the trick, isn’t it?!

As my brain grew, I slept a lot. This side-effect was helpful to complete physical healing for issues that had been plaguing me since last November. It also brought me deeper into the world of dream medicine, which has been a nice change for me as I typically receive my spiritual medicine and guidance from trance journey. For someone such as myself who has a racing, visionary mind, falling asleep quickly just doesn’t happen- ever, so regularly conking out like a toddler for the first time in decades has been sublime!

Over this months-long saga guided by the fungal kingdom, at every step along the way, I have magically found myself supported by some surprising teachers. They’ve always appeared just when I needed them, and each of them has taught me how I already possess or can cultivate from within, what I need to fulfill my sacred obligation which is to keep my life moving forward. I am free, finally, from so many of the harmful cycles of abuse that I have been an unwitting participant in from as far back as my childhood. Now that I have seen the underpinnings of what has been keeping disconnected from my core self, I’ll be able to avoid the patterns and people that have not served my highest good or honored my basic dignity. Three months on this protocol did more for healing my C-PTSD than years of talk therapy ever could. The most beautiful thing about this process for me has been the energetic adjustment that shifted my frequency so far out of range of any potential hooks from my narcissistic abusers past, present, or future! They have no power over me! The alchemical shift these realizations have caused in me is absolute, total, and complete.

I’ve been so excited to share this news with my readers in my refreshed private blog space. As I mentioned recently on Instagram, consider this is my table, and you are my cherished guest. So many of the connections I’ve made on apps like Instagram are genuine and cherished. This is where I am most comfortable spilling the unvarnished truth with readers and taking deep dives on taboo topics. Here, we’ll go “there.” The unsavory aspects of social media are becoming more and more apparent. Not only do I want to protect my own energy from internet trolls, If I’m inviting people in my social media networks into dialogue with me I feel obliged to extend that same protection to them, as well.

It’s important to be aware that the public square in both digital and actual reality is increasingly hostile. I do not desire to be a participant in divide and conquer strategies, nor do I wish to add to the vitriol “out there.” I have strong opinions and am interested in sharing them, but as with all things, I want to do this in a good way and leave beauty, not destruction, behind me. That’s almost impossible to do in today’s digital landscape, but I’m making a vow, here and now, to figure out how and to show others the way. 

So, thank you for reading my words and witnessing my experience. I am looking forward to cultivating a deeper connection here, at my home on the web, with you and others who seek to connect more deeply to their birthright of natural wisdom. I hope your harvest is sweet and as you “tally up the grain” of what you have grown this year, take in the lessons of what worked well, what you’d do differently next time, and how grateful you are for what has been provided in this year. Blessings to you and yours on this Autumnal Equinox!

I covered the topic of micro-dosing on my new podcast, Just Like Magick earlier this year. Have a listen if you are curious to learn more. The episode was recorded before I began my protocol so I don’t offer my observations about the process during my conversation with my guest. As you’ve just read, the results were fantastic and the healing that I was able to achieve has been life-altering. This felt like the final step in all of the work I’ve been doing to shift my trauma and cross the threshold into a state of wholeness. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity! Listen to the episode here: